Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Cut Meylani Decy Susanti

Cut Memey

Cut Memey
Name : Cut Meylani Decy Susanti
or better known under the name Cut Memey
Date of Birth : December 7, 1980
Cut Memey is a model, actor and host Indonesia.
Despite its name using Cut, but he was not descended from duke of Aceh.

Cut Memey
After the official divorce, a bitter tale Memey raised household travel Jacksen, some time ago it became a movie, which he entitled "SELEBRITIS TOO HUMAN"
In addition to playing soap operas, Cut Memey also become a model and host. Formerly, he was a presenter at Zoom In (Trans TV) and in the name of''infotainment''Fruit Lip (with Nessa Sadin) who served on quiz. Memey also had the program "Evening Secret". Not only have capital look, Memey expanded into the world of drag votes. Unsparing, as her singing teacher, singer attract senior Memey Dorce Gamalama. On July 25, 2007 Cut Memey launch her first album, titled Mirror Heart with single hitsnya "Playboy King".

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